Client Spotlight - Brandi Gueldner House of Colour


Have you ever wondered why you feel great in some clothes and others make you feel like a frumpy potato?

Brandi Gueldner with House of Colour can help you figure all of that out! During your color analysis with Brandi, she will show you what colors make your features pop and your skin glow, as well as what colors you should steer clear of so you don't look devoid of life.

When I had my colors done with Brandi, it was pretty wild seeing what a difference the right colors can do for you. One second I looked tired and ready for bed and with the swish of a cloth, I was looking vibrant and ready to hit the town!

Brandi doesn't just help you figure out what colors are your wow colors, she can also help you figure out your style. She does this by asking questions about your personality and taking measurements to figure out your body architecture. You also bring in some of your favorite clothes and some clothes that you don't like so she can ask you more questions to learn what you do and don't like about the clothes you have.

She combines all of this together to determine what your clothing personality is. This experience was super eye-opening for me because I knew when I liked or didn't like something, but I didn't always know why that was the case.

After your style analysis, you are armed with the information of what to look for when you are out shopping, so you can pretty much know if you are going to love something before you ever even put it on! This has saved me so much time shopping, as I no longer waste time trying on things that don't fit my style personality.

No more frumpy potato for me! I walk around with more confidence than ever before and have even gotten more compliments on my outfits since they truly help my personality shine now!

I cannot recommend Brandi enough!

You can get more info or book a color and/or style analysis (I highly recommend both!) with her here.


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